New focus: two birds with one stone

Today, my daughter officially started primary school. I have been promising her for a few years that when she is at school I will run a race with her.

Just like this time last year (post marathon) I have been slumping a bit lately with no race in the calendar to keep me motivated. 

So today I will register my daughter and me to run in Kashiwa in May. We’ll run 3km together and then I will take on the half marathon.

Should be fun and now both my daughter and I have something to focus on! 

As it is my first half marathon since around 2000, and I managed to get past the halfway point at Kyoto in 1:43:05, I am going to aim for 1:40:00, which is around 4 mins 44 secs per kilometre. Hope that it won’t be too hot and muggy in May!